Friday 22 July 2016

Should Pokemon Banned???

Should It Banned ??

From driving accidents to distracted pedestrians and dangerous trespassing, the phenomenal success of Nintendo’s “Pokemon GO” game is fueling public safety fears.
The "Pokemon GO" phenomenon has driven extensive media coverage, but amid all the brouhaha, a number of reports have been identified as hoaxes.
Death by Pokemon is coming,” warns Gerry Beyer, Governor , “Pokemon users will have all sorts of accidents as they use the program while walking, biking, driving, etc
The mix of virtual and real worlds allows players to, for instance, fight a dragon circling Big Ben or chase a spaceship moving down their street.

Various Accident occured while Playing Pokemon
The Washington State Patrol has logged its first ‘Pokémon Go’ crash. A 28-year-old driver told officials he was distracted by the popular new game app when he rear-ended a Chevy sedan on Highway 202 in Fall City Monday, the State Patrol reported. Neither the female driver of the Chevy nor her child were injured, but both cars were towed from the scene. It’s unclear if the 28-year-old was injured.
Just a few hours after the launch, there were already reports of an accident in JAPAN
A student at Osaka's Kindai University reportedly fell down the stairs while playing Pokemon Go and was taking to hospital, said users on social media.
After weeks of stories about people in other countries running into trouble playing the game, Japanese authorities have taken precautions and issued a nine-point safety guide, in cartoon form.
Two men apparently playing the game had to be rescued after falling off a 90-foot ocean bluff in California Wednesday, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.
The game has also been cited in road accidents. Texas A&M University Police tweeted this week that a vehicle struck an illegally parked car Monday, noting that the “1st driver had exited to catch a Pokémon.”
A warning from “Pokemon GO” developer Niantic also pops up every time the app is opened, telling players to aware of their surroundings. Players must also agree to fine print saying they cannot enter private property without permission.

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