Tuesday 26 July 2016

How to Play Pokemon While Driving a Car

Rule No. 1: Don’t

Don’t! Just don’t.
Pokémon Go requires your full attention. Driving also requires your full attention. Yes, there’s the augmented reality mode, and you can leave that AR feature on to put Pokémon on a backdrop of whatever’s in front of you. Problem is, you’re then focusing on catching the Pokémon instead of the background of reality.So, keep it in park if you’re going to do anything in the game. You can enjoy the comfortable seats, luxurious cupholders and life-sustaining air conditioning of your car’s interior, but don’t play the game itself unless your car is safely parked, and out of the way of other traffic. 
Rule No. 2:
Scope Out Your Next Pokéstop Before Going There
The great thing about the Pokémon Go interface is that it gives you a map. You can tap on further away gyms and Pokéstops to see where they are before they’re in range, and thus, you can figure out where you’d like to go next without the app distracting you from the task of driving. Find a few points of interest, write them down, or put them in your car’s navigation unit. Then drive there! Driving is great. When you park, do so in a safe and legal location. Be sure to follow all applicable traffic and parking laws as you normally would.

Rule No. 3:

Leave Your Phone On, But On Silent And Hidden

One big downside to the game is that it has to be on and running to work, or to log those brief moments where you’re traveling at low speeds (more on this later). This will drain your battery life fast, according to anyone who’s ever played the game for more than 30 minutes. 

Fortunately, most cars now come with power outlets, so your car is bizarrely well-suited for hunting Pokémon. Once you have your next Pokéstop determined, plug your phone in, throw it on silent, and forget about it until your next stop.

Rule No. 4:

 Get Out And Walk Around Anyway

you have to drive safely, we don’t recommend puttering around at speeds slower than 20 kph on public roads. That’s only about 12 mph for those of us not fully dedicated to the metric system. 12! You would blow the fuse in your horn if you got stuck behind some jamoke doing 12 mph on a public road do what the game wants you to do: get out and explore. See your city’s landmarks. If you have an egg to hatch, drive to a park that has a few stops in it.Once you’re at a stop and have caught all the new Pokémon you can, you can start the process all over again: pick a new Pokéstop or gym to drive to based on the options available, toss your silent phone on a charger out of reach, and have at it.

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