Sunday, 31 July 2016

AdvantagE Of Pokemon Go

Pokemon go Update

Pokémon Go, just like any other  game,  where one Type is either strong or weak - super effective or not very effective - against another, dealing additional or reduced damage as a result.

Here are Benefit of pokemon go 

Social Benefits

Stories are popping up all over from parents whose children with special needs are using the game as a way to interact and connect with others. The game encourages interaction by bringing users together at common areas to capture Pokémon. So, users have a shared interest and are more likely to interact with each other while trying to catch the Pokémon. Kids who would usually steer clear from large crowds and/or social interaction are being brought right in the middle of it in a fun and engaging way. They’re building confidence as they explore the world around them, even psychologists andautism experts are raving about the social benefits of using the gam

Routine Flexibility

Individuals who would otherwise not be compelled to leave the confines of their prefered environment are given a reason to do so. Parents are loving the change in routine for their children who might have originally prefered to stay inside, but are now are wanting to get out and engage with the environment around them.

Bonding Opportunity

Some parents are finding that Pokémon Go has been an incredible bonding opportunity with their children. Since supervision is recommended, it’s a great way to get outside and get moving, all while doing something together that can strengthen that relationship.
Health Benefit
To progress in the game, trainers must walk around to find and catch Pokémon and access specific locations called Pokéstops -- where Pokéballs and other useful items are collected, catching different Pokémon and hatching the Poké eggs requires walking; lots of walking this result in exercising more as a result of playing the game


Creators Working to Let Locations Opt-Out of Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Update

Since Pokémon Go launched earlier this month, the mobile game has sent out into the world in droves, seeking Pokemon, as well as “Pokéstops,” where they can stock up on Pokéballs. But those stops and gyms are all real life locations — and some of the people who live or work there aren’t exactly pleased with the new crowds

Here are some location to be removed from Augmented real game

Hiroshima Peace Park

J.C. Smith of the Pokémon Co. told the Los Angeles Times that updates will respect the real world. A number of locations, like Japan's Hiroshima Peace Park, have asked to be removed from the game.

 Arlington National Cemetery in Washington

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum 

 The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum says museum has already been removed from the game upon its request.

There are Various other Location to be removed from Pokemon Go.

Stay Connected For MorE updates

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Pokémon GO' Just Changed An Enormous Number Of Spawning Nests Worldwide

People Are  tired of seeing the exact same Pokémon in your area all the time. Well, something earth-shattering may have just happened in Pokémon GO that has apparently shaken up the entire spawn system.
For certain Pokémon “nests,” there appears to have been a mass reshuffling in the last few hours where certain common and rare spawns are now doling out brand new types of Pokémon instead.
This was spotted, where else, in the uber-scientific Silph Road community, and they are currently compiling a massive list of what nests may have changed to new nests.
A few notes about the specifics of this shift. Not all nests seem to be changed. It seems likely that a certain percentage may be left alone and are not flipping to a new Pokémon.
Also, for very common Pokémon, this probably does not mean much. Your Pidgey, Rattatas and Zubats are not going anywhere, it seems like. Most of these changes seem to be for more rare-tier Pokémon. In Chicago, a place forever infested with Drowzees, it still seems to be infested with Drowzees, so something that common may not have changed with this update, even if it’s technically “rare” elsewhere.

We are going to go out and explore this alleged switch for a while, and see what we can come up with. Check back here for updates, and for now, we are going to post Silph Road’s spawn switcheroo master-list below for reference, but that itself may change as more data comes in:
#1 Bulbasaur –> #1 Bulbasaur…
#4 Charmander –> #1 Bulbasaur
#7 Squirtle –> #4 Charmander
#21 Spearow –>
#23 Ekans –> #21 Spearow
#25 Pikachu –> #23 Ekans
#27 Sandshrew –> #25 Pikachu
#29 Nidoran♀ –> #27 Sandshrew / #25 Pikachu
#32 Nidoran♂ –> #29 Nidoran♀
#35 Clefairy –> #32 Nidoran♂
#37 Vulpix –> #35 Clefairy / #32 Nidoran♂
#39 Jigglypuff –> #37 Vulpix / #35 Clefairy
#43 Oddish –> #39 Jigglypuff
#46 Paras –> #43 Oddish? / #39 Jigglypuff?
#48 Venonat –> #43 Oddish?
#50 Diglett –> #46 Paras
#52 Meowth –> #48 Venonat
#54 Psyduck –> #50 Diglett
#56 Mankey –> #52 Meowth / #50 Diglett
#58 Growlithe –> #54 Psyduck / #52 Meowth
#60 Poliwag –> #56 Mankey / #54 Psyduck
#63 Abra –> #58 Growlithe / #56 Mankey
#66 Machop –> #58 Growlithe
#69 Bellsprout –> #60 Poliwag
#72 Tentacool –> #63 Abra
#74 Geodude –> #66 Machop
#77 Ponyta –> #69 Bellsprout
#79 Slowpoke –> #72 Tentacool
#81 Magnemite –> #74 Geodude
#83 Farfetch’d –>
#84 Doduo –> #77 Ponyta
#86 Seel –> #79 Slowpoke / #77 Ponyta
#90 Shellder –> #81 Magnemite / #79 Slowpoke
Nothing? –> #83 Farfetch’d
#92 Gastly –> #84 Doduo / #81 Magnemite
#95 Onix –> #86 Seel / #84 Doduo
#96 Drowzee –> #86 Seel
#98 Krabby –> #90 Shellder
#100 Voltorb –> #92 Gastly
#102 Exeggcute –> #95 Onix / #92 Gastly
#104 Cubone –> #96 Drowzee
#106 Hitmonlee –> #98 Krabby / #96 Drowzee
#107 Hitmonchan –> #100 Voltorb / #98 Krabby
#108 Lickitung –> #102 Exeggcute / #100 Voltorb
#111 Rhyhorn –> #104 Cubone / #102 Exeggcute
#114 Tangela –> #111 Rhyhorn / #104 Cubone
#115 Kangaskhan –> #111 Rhyhorn
#116 Horsea –> #114 Tangela? / #111 Rhyhorn
Nothing? –> #115 Kangaskhan
#118 Goldeen –> #116 Horsea
#120 Staryu –> #118 Goldeen
#122 Mr. Mime –> #118 Goldeen
#123 Scyther –> #120 Staryu
#124 Jynx –> #123 Scyther / #120 Staryu
#125 Electabuzz –> #124 Jynx / #123 Scyther
#126 Magmar –> #125 Electabuzz / #124 Jynx
#127 Pinsir –> #126 Magmar / #125 Electabuzz
#128 Tauros –> #127 Pinsir / #126 Magmar
#129 Magikarp –> #127 Pinsir

Update: Alright, well it’s been pouring rain here, so We haven’t exactly been able to explore, but so far We have not seen a Dratini spawn in the farm spot, though sometimes that can happen for a few hours. We have also not seen any Eevees replace it yet. Zubats and Drowzees and Krabbys continue to abound, but We have seen a sharp increase in nearby Nidoran, which is unusual. Despite reports of Jynx spawns changing into Scythers, We still only have Jynxes around me. We’m working with a limited pool of information here, given that We have to stay put, but earlier We did notice a few changes like the Slopoke/Tentacool switch. Wet seems possible that the Dratini spawn has just been wiped and not replaced by anything, which We’ve heard can happen, and that would be a big bummer.

Update 2: We are coming to believe the specific Dratini spawn has just been obliterated. Every :40 and :00 at least something somewhat rare would spawn there, with a Dratini showing up maybe 50-60% of the time. Now? Nothing new spawns during those windows. We wouldn’t have been over the moon about the Dratinis being replaced by Eevees, but having the spot just wiped out completely is a pretty big blow. Interestingly, We’ve noticed that the exact patch of “splashy grass” where the Dratini used to spawn is now gone as well.

Update 3: Also in this stealth update (We guess Niantic is like morally opposed to patch notes or public communication of any kind) is a pretty major reshuffling of the power level of moves, namely buffs to “long charge” moves which were not DPS efficient. We believe some of the more dominant quick attacks like Water Gun have been nerfed pretty heavily as well. For a full chart detailing those changes go here

Friday, 29 July 2016

The Pokemon Stars From U.K and US - First man to Catch all Pokemon


The tech worker and certified Pokéfan was the first person to announce such feat on Reddit alongside a screenshot of his Pokédex as proof. Now, he is taking on the challenge of catching the rest of the virtual monsters found only in other parts of the world by going off on an international trip. The best part of it all? His trip is going to be free. 

International travel firm Marriott Rewards has committed to sponsor Johnson’s mission to catch the remaining Pokémon in Europe, Japan and Australia. The lucky jet-setting Pokémon Go trainer will be on the lookout for Mr. Mime, Farfetch’d and Kangaskhan in his three destination continents. Finding the regionally-based Pokémon means he’ll be able finish his collection

According to his iPhone Health App, he has traveled an average of 8 miles per day by walking since the game was released on July 6th. He said that during his hunting trips, he can be found roaming for the monsters until 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.

Pokémon Go trainer Nick Johnson has accomplished in a few weeks what many of us can only dream of: capture all 142 Pokémon available in the United States

U.K Pokemon Star :

Sam Clarke- Electrical Engineeer
The 32-year-old says that as far as he knows he is the first to catch all of the 143 Pokemon that are available in the UK. That leaves out the two Pokemon that are exclusive to the America and Asia & Austrailia, and also the mystery creatures that don’t appear to have been added to the game yet.

The walking involved in catching the animals – the equivalent of five marathons, 225km, to do this.
The electrical engineer said that he had been walking around for almost “every waking hour” hunting down Pokemon around his home town of Southampton.

Mr Clark said that he has become famous since achieving the feat, which he documented in a YouTube video that included tips for how he had managed to catch them all. Many had insulted him – but others asked for selfies alongside him after achieving the milestone

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Pokemon Go plus will Release in September

The release of the Pokémon Go Plus, Nintendo's wearable accessory for Pokémon Go, has been pushed back to September, the company announced today on Twitter.
Nintendo originally planned to release the Pokémon Go Plus in late July; the game, which is free-to-play, launched earlier this month. The company did not give a reason for the delay, but an educated guess is that the phenomenal success of Pokémon Go caused Nintendo to take more time to make enough units to meet the demand for the peripheral. While the game is developed by Niantic Labs, Nintendo is producing and distributing thePokémon Go Plus.
The Pokémon Go Plus, which is compatible with both the Android and iOS versions ofPokémon Go, will cost $34.99. It is designed to allow people to play the game without having their smartphone out — the Bluetooth-based unit, which can be worn as a pin or with a wrist strap, lights up when Pokémon and PokéStops are nearby. For more details, check out our explainer on the Pokémon Go Plus.

The New Pokemon Go Plus- The Pokemon Catcher

Pokemon Plus - The Pokemon Finder
  • The PokéThe Pokémon GO Plus is a small device that lets you enjoy Pokémon GO while you're on the move and not looking at your smartphone. The device connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth low energy and notifies you about events in the game—such as the appearance of a Pokémon nearby—using an LED and vibration.mon GO Plus is a small device that lets you enjoy Pokémon GO while you're on the move and not looking at your smartphone. The device connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth low energy and notifies you about events in the game—such as the appearance of a Pokémon nearby—using an LED and vibration.

  • The Pokémon GO Plus will begin to blink and vibrate whenever you're within range of a PokéStop. Press the Pokémon GO Plus button to search the PokéStop for items. If you find any items, swipe or tap them to add them to your inventory.

  • When a Pokémon is near, the light on the Pokémon GO Plus will flash. It will also flash and vibrate when you pass a PokéStop.

        Once a Pokémon is close, press the button on the Pokémon GO Plus to throw a Poké Ball. You'll only be able to throw a Poké Ball using Pokémon GO Plus if you've caught the Pokémon before. The Pokémon GO Plus will flash and vibrate to let you know if you were successful in catching the Pokémon.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

How to Play Pokemon While Driving a Car

Rule No. 1: Don’t

Don’t! Just don’t.
Pokémon Go requires your full attention. Driving also requires your full attention. Yes, there’s the augmented reality mode, and you can leave that AR feature on to put Pokémon on a backdrop of whatever’s in front of you. Problem is, you’re then focusing on catching the Pokémon instead of the background of reality.So, keep it in park if you’re going to do anything in the game. You can enjoy the comfortable seats, luxurious cupholders and life-sustaining air conditioning of your car’s interior, but don’t play the game itself unless your car is safely parked, and out of the way of other traffic. 
Rule No. 2:
Scope Out Your Next Pokéstop Before Going There
The great thing about the Pokémon Go interface is that it gives you a map. You can tap on further away gyms and Pokéstops to see where they are before they’re in range, and thus, you can figure out where you’d like to go next without the app distracting you from the task of driving. Find a few points of interest, write them down, or put them in your car’s navigation unit. Then drive there! Driving is great. When you park, do so in a safe and legal location. Be sure to follow all applicable traffic and parking laws as you normally would.

Rule No. 3:

Leave Your Phone On, But On Silent And Hidden

One big downside to the game is that it has to be on and running to work, or to log those brief moments where you’re traveling at low speeds (more on this later). This will drain your battery life fast, according to anyone who’s ever played the game for more than 30 minutes. 

Fortunately, most cars now come with power outlets, so your car is bizarrely well-suited for hunting Pokémon. Once you have your next Pokéstop determined, plug your phone in, throw it on silent, and forget about it until your next stop.

Rule No. 4:

 Get Out And Walk Around Anyway

you have to drive safely, we don’t recommend puttering around at speeds slower than 20 kph on public roads. That’s only about 12 mph for those of us not fully dedicated to the metric system. 12! You would blow the fuse in your horn if you got stuck behind some jamoke doing 12 mph on a public road do what the game wants you to do: get out and explore. See your city’s landmarks. If you have an egg to hatch, drive to a park that has a few stops in it.Once you’re at a stop and have caught all the new Pokémon you can, you can start the process all over again: pick a new Pokéstop or gym to drive to based on the options available, toss your silent phone on a charger out of reach, and have at it.

Breaking News... Nintendo doesn't Make Pokémon Go

Nintendo shares have skyrocketed since Pokémon Go's release and instant transformation into global cultural phenomenon, but they fell dramatically today after investors  found that Nintendo doesn't actually make the game. Nintendo put out a statement after the close of trading on Friday pointing out that the bottom-line impact will be "limited" as it only owns 32 percent of The Pokémon Company, and that revenue from the game and its Pokémon Go Plus smartwatch peripheral have been accounted for in the company's current forecasts.

Pokémon Go is a collaboration between The Pokémon Company and Niantic Labs, the developer who previously created the similar AR game Ingress as part of Google. This apparent revelation caused shares to Drop Sharply in Monday trading, with the stock dropping 17 percent at one point, representing about $6.4 billion in value;Recording its biggest decline since October 1990, the stock ended down 17.7 percent, or by 5,000 yen - the daily limit allowed. , Tokyo stock exchange rules prevent share prices from moving more than 18 percent in a single day.
But some market players said Nintendo was being disingenuous, adding that there were few expectations of upward revisions to its profit targets so early after the game's launch and that it was clear the game would be key to earn

Further more updates stay in touch with us. HOPE FOR THE BEST

Saturday, 23 July 2016

How To Play Pokemon Go ..

Method of playing Pokemon Go Step By Step

When you start the game, the Professor will ask you to catch your first Pokémon - traditionally Squirtle, Charmander or Bulbasaur.
But rather than catch one of them, you can walk away - in real life - until your phone vibrates. You'll be prompted again to catch one of them.



  • The map is your main view while playing Pokémon GO, and it is based on the actual real-world map of the streets and pathways where you're standing. The map contains lots of information that's useful when you're exploring. You'll always be in the center of the map. Use it to find PokéStops, Gyms, the location of nearby Pokémon, and more!
  • PokéStops usually exist at easily identifiable landmarks, such as public art installations or other points of interest/


  • Keep an eye out for glowing areas called habitats that indicate where you may find Pokémon. You won't always find a Pokémon in a habitat, but the chances are very good. Pokémon love places like public parks and recreation areas. So get outside and walk around to find more Pokémon
  • Be sure to explore many habitats that show up on your map so you can catch a variety of Pokémon.


  • It’s most effective to look for Pokémon at habitats that match where they're most likely to live. For example, if you’re on the beach or at a pier, you’re more likely to find Water-type Pokémon. However, if you’re in a desert climate, you would be much less likely to find Water-type Pokémon.

        You can see the kinds of Pokémon that might be found near your current               location by using the Nearby feature. Note that Pokémon already in your               Pokédex will appear in color, while those not in your Pokédex will appear as           dark silhouettes.

If you see a Pokémon someplace where it might not be safe to capture it (like in a construction site or on private property that you can't get to from the street), don't do it. There will always be another chance to catch that Pokémon later on!
  • If you find yourself in a big open field, it's possible you'll encounter Grass-type Pokémon.


  • Look for PokéStops located at interesting places, such as public art installations, historical markers, and monuments. You can collect more Poké Balls and other items at PokéStops, which show up on your map as blue squares. When you’re close enough to a PokéStop to search it, the box on top of the blue square will open. That's the time to gather items from the PokéStop!

If you can't get to the PokéStop because it's on private property, there will be more just around the corner, so don't worry!


  • Access your Bag in the Map view by touching the Poké Ball icon. The kinds of items you'll keep in your Bag include Poké Balls, medicines, Berries, and more. (Pokémon Eggs will not appear in your Bag.) You can also access your Bag during Pokémon encounters.
Each item is accompanied by a description of what it does.


  •  Catch as many Pokémon as you can to earn Experience Points (XP) and increase your Trainer level! Each capture awards XP based on the kind of Pokémon you've caught, whether you've caught the Pokémon before, and the accuracy of your throw.

        At higher levels, you'll have access to stronger items, such as Great Balls, to        give you a better shot at catching Pokémon. Keep exploring and                            encountering Pokémon to raise your level!

Catch a lot of Pokémon and watch your level increase!

Final and last


  • A wide variety of challenges are available that highlight many different accomplishments, such as the number of Pokémon you've caught and the distance you've traveled. By completing these challenges, you'll unlock achievement medals that will appear in your player profile. Try your best to unlock as many medals as you can!

Check out your profile page to see your progress on various medals.