People Are tired of seeing the exact same Pokémon in your area all the time. Well, something earth-shattering may have just happened in Pokémon GO that has apparently shaken up the entire spawn system.
For certain Pokémon “nests,” there appears to have been a mass reshuffling in the last few hours where certain common and rare spawns are now doling out brand new types of Pokémon instead.
This was spotted, where else, in the uber-scientific Silph Road community, and they are currently compiling a massive list of what nests may have changed to new nests.
A few notes about the specifics of this shift. Not all nests seem to be changed. It seems likely that a certain percentage may be left alone and are not flipping to a new Pokémon.
Also, for very common Pokémon, this probably does not mean much. Your Pidgey, Rattatas and Zubats are not going anywhere, it seems like. Most of these changes seem to be for more rare-tier Pokémon. In Chicago, a place forever infested with Drowzees, it still seems to be infested with Drowzees, so something that common may not have changed with this update, even if it’s technically “rare” elsewhere.
We are going to go out and explore this alleged switch for a while, and see what we can come up with. Check back here for updates, and for now, we are going to post Silph Road’s spawn switcheroo
master-list below for reference, but that itself may change as more data comes in:
#1 Bulbasaur –> #1 Bulbasaur…
#4 Charmander –> #1 Bulbasaur
#7 Squirtle –> #4 Charmander
#21 Spearow –>
#23 Ekans –> #21 Spearow
#25 Pikachu –> #23 Ekans
#27 Sandshrew –> #25 Pikachu
#29 Nidoran♀ –> #27 Sandshrew / #25 Pikachu
#32 Nidoran♂ –> #29 Nidoran♀
#35 Clefairy –> #32 Nidoran♂
#37 Vulpix –> #35 Clefairy / #32 Nidoran♂
#39 Jigglypuff –> #37 Vulpix / #35 Clefairy
#43 Oddish –> #39 Jigglypuff
#46 Paras –> #43 Oddish? / #39 Jigglypuff?
#48 Venonat –> #43 Oddish?
#50 Diglett –> #46 Paras
#52 Meowth –> #48 Venonat
#54 Psyduck –> #50 Diglett
#56 Mankey –> #52 Meowth / #50 Diglett
#58 Growlithe –> #54 Psyduck / #52 Meowth
#60 Poliwag –> #56 Mankey / #54 Psyduck
#63 Abra –> #58 Growlithe / #56 Mankey
#66 Machop –> #58 Growlithe
#69 Bellsprout –> #60 Poliwag
#72 Tentacool –> #63 Abra
#74 Geodude –> #66 Machop
#77 Ponyta –> #69 Bellsprout
#79 Slowpoke –> #72 Tentacool
#81 Magnemite –> #74 Geodude
#83 Farfetch’d –>
#84 Doduo –> #77 Ponyta
#86 Seel –> #79 Slowpoke / #77 Ponyta
#90 Shellder –> #81 Magnemite / #79 Slowpoke
Nothing? –> #83 Farfetch’d
#92 Gastly –> #84 Doduo / #81 Magnemite
#95 Onix –> #86 Seel / #84 Doduo
#96 Drowzee –> #86 Seel
#98 Krabby –> #90 Shellder
#100 Voltorb –> #92 Gastly
#102 Exeggcute –> #95 Onix / #92 Gastly
#104 Cubone –> #96 Drowzee
#106 Hitmonlee –> #98 Krabby / #96 Drowzee
#107 Hitmonchan –> #100 Voltorb / #98 Krabby
#108 Lickitung –> #102 Exeggcute / #100 Voltorb
#111 Rhyhorn –> #104 Cubone / #102 Exeggcute
#114 Tangela –> #111 Rhyhorn / #104 Cubone
#115 Kangaskhan –> #111 Rhyhorn
#116 Horsea –> #114 Tangela? / #111 Rhyhorn
Nothing? –> #115 Kangaskhan
#118 Goldeen –> #116 Horsea
#120 Staryu –> #118 Goldeen
#122 Mr. Mime –> #118 Goldeen
#123 Scyther –> #120 Staryu
#124 Jynx –> #123 Scyther / #120 Staryu
#125 Electabuzz –> #124 Jynx / #123 Scyther
#126 Magmar –> #125 Electabuzz / #124 Jynx
#127 Pinsir –> #126 Magmar / #125 Electabuzz
#128 Tauros –> #127 Pinsir / #126 Magmar
#129 Magikarp –> #127 Pinsir
Update: Alright, well it’s been pouring rain here, so We
haven’t exactly been able to explore, but so far We have not seen a Dratini
spawn in the farm spot, though sometimes that can happen for a few hours. We
have also not seen any Eevees replace it yet. Zubats and Drowzees and Krabbys
continue to abound, but We have seen a sharp increase in nearby Nidoran, which
is unusual. Despite reports of Jynx spawns changing into Scythers, We still
only have Jynxes around me. We’m working with a limited pool of information
here, given that We have to stay put, but earlier We did notice a few changes
like the Slopoke/Tentacool switch. Wet seems possible that the Dratini spawn
has just been wiped and not replaced by
anything, which We’ve heard can happen, and that would be a big bummer.
Update 2: We are coming to believe the specific Dratini spawn has just been
obliterated. Every :40 and :00 at least something somewhat rare
would spawn there, with a Dratini showing up maybe 50-60% of the time. Now? Nothing new spawns
during those windows. We wouldn’t have been over the moon about the Dratinis
being replaced by Eevees, but having the spot just wiped out completely is a
pretty big blow. Interestingly, We’ve noticed that the exact patch of “splashy
grass” where the Dratini used to spawn is now gone as well.
Update 3: Also in this stealth update (We guess Niantic is like morally opposed to
patch notes or public communication of any kind) is a pretty
major reshuffling of the power level of moves, namely buffs to “long
charge” moves which were not DPS efficient. We believe some of the more
dominant quick attacks like Water Gun have been nerfed pretty heavily as well.
For a full chart detailing those changes go here